Britain secures additional 2 million doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine | Reuters(Reuters)
Britain has secured an additional two million doses of Moderna Inc’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate, the government said in a statement on Sunday.Following the latest deal, Britain has access to enough doses of Moderna’s vaccine candidate for around 3.5 million people. Overall, it has access to 357 million doses of vaccines from 7 different developers, according to the statement.“With a wide range of vaccine candidates in our portfolio, we stand ready to deploy a vaccine should they receive approval from our medicines regulator, starting with those who will benefit most,” Britain’s health minister, Matt Hancock, said in the statement.#HealthForAll#HealthBroadcastingService#GlobalHealth#Covid-19#Health#HealthBroadcastingServiceInPublicHealthPartnership#jakepaul#cdguadalajara#danieldubois#tcuhornedfrogs#jaredpolis#easternwashington…/uk-health-coronavirus-britain…